AirBnb Cleaning Services

If you rent out your property, we offer cleaning services to ensure your home is as clean as can be. This ensures that it is clean for the next guests arriving, or if you are done renting it out, it is clean for you; leaving no residue behind from the previous guests. Show your property the respect it deserves and hire Houses Are Us LLC for AirBnb cleaning services.

Our specialty is in ensuring your vacation rental is in top form. Our vacation rental cleaning is consistent, reliable, and of the highest quality. We will work around your schedule, and make sure your property is completely cleaned in between guest check-outs and check-ins. Our residential cleaning uses only the best products and cleaners. We will make sure your home is completely spotless for any occasion. 

For information on everything we can do for you, contact us at Houses Are Us LLC in Los Angeles, CA, today!


-All sales are final. No refunds
-$60-$100 deposit required to book an appointment
-Clients will be charged full price if not cancelled within 24 hrs of appointment.

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